Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 10 Summary

  • After his first day at work, Tom walks the three miles home and tells his mother about the job and pay. He also tells her that Mr. Ackerman remembered Polly Ann's father and that she was a very pretty girl. That pleases Polly Ann.
  • Tom does some math to determine how much he can make in a year at his current salary (and with a few raises, for good measure). He figures he should give half to Polly Ann for the family's upkeep and that he will be able to save half for the barn in case the Widow Breen ever sells it.
  • Tom wakes up at 4:45 the next morning (yawn!) so he has enough time to eat breakfast, get the cows, and help with the milking before walking three miles back to the mill (double yawn!).
  • Tom gets used to his new job and he keeps his ears perked for any news about the Widow Breen when clients come in to gossip as their orders are filled. He just hears that she goes on living her solitary life, coming into town only once a month to trade for groceries and other essentials.
  • Christmas approaches, and Tom notices he has $13.25 saved up.
  • It's hard for Tom to take any money out of savings, but he decides to spend $2.25 on Christmas presents for his mother and sisters.