Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 63 Summary

  • Tom has to drive up to the Armond place to pay Mr. Armond the $25 balance owed on the barn.
  • Tom prefers to go by himself, but Polly Ann says she would like to go and see the Armond place for once without having to peddle berries. There's upward mobility for you.
  • Tom is grateful for how much Polly Ann has supported him through all his plans, so he agrees to bring her with him.
  • Polly Ann wears her best dress and a hat and coat. Tom thinks how dainty and ladylike she looks, while also knowing how strong she is.
  • Tom wears a suit for the first time.
  • When they pull up to the Armonds' with their new team and wagon, Tom can see Mr. Armond doesn't recognize him at first. Wearing a suit for the first time can throw people off.
  • When he realizes it's Tom, he's surprised at the change.
  • Mr. Armond accepts the rest of the payment and invites Polly Ann in for tea with Mrs. Armond, but Polly Ann declines, saying that Sunday is Tom's busy day on their farm since he works at the mill during the week.
  • Mr. Armond admires Tom's horses and compliments Mrs. Dolan on her "fine son" (63. 28). Aw.
  • When they arrive back home, Tom remembers seeing the barn for the first time with Birdy, meeting the Widow Breen with her shotgun on the front porch, and hearing her prophecy that his life would change.
  • A few years, a barn, and a nice suit later on, it's clear that he's changed his own life and boosted the condition of everyone close to him. Not bad.
  • Just let the you-can-do-anything-you-set-your-mind-to moral sink in for a minute.