Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 55 Summary

  • With money in the bank and the Flanchers more or less out of the way, Tom starts to have a different outlook on the future. It doesn't seem so bleak and scary anymore, because the things that used to seem out of reach are looking more and more possible.
  • Tom and Birdy continue to work hard putting up the rafters and the roof boards.
  • Tom tells Birdy he plans to order new shingles and siding, and that he'd like to have Birdy meet him during lunch to help him order the stuff.
  • Birdy asks where the money for that will come from. He says from the bank, and Birdy guesses he's found the Breen money. Birdy smiles and says he's glad.
  • Tom tells Birdy about the account he opened for him. Birdy is obviously touched by the gesture, and he finally agrees to accept it after some protesting.
  • They make their plans to meet at Garfield's mill the next day to order the shingles and siding.