Cells Resources


The Biology Project

Interactive biology quizzes! Now, we know how much you loooove quizzes, but these ones have super detailed answer explanations. Very helpful, we promise.

Organelle Cheat Sheet

A pretty sweet cheat sheet with hand-drawn representations of each of your favorite organelle friends.

Bacteria Talk

A Q&A session with a Princeton professor who is changing the way we think about bacteria.

Cells and Cellular Organization

An image-intense explanation of the parts of the cell. And when we say intense, we mean intense.

Molecular Expressions

We linked you to the home page on cells, but there are separate pages on animal cells, plant cells, bacteria, plasma membranes, cell images, and cells in motion.

BioVisions at Harvard

Killer animations brought to you by BioVisions at Harvard University. We've linked you to "Mitochondria," but there are a number of others. Obligatory uplifting/dramatic music included, of course.


Cells in Action

A no-less-than-awesome '80s video featuring cells doing their things. Enjoy the excessively dramatic '80s music and narrator.

Plasma Membranes

'80s video number two, with a featured clip on cell murder.

Voyage Inside the Cell

As we move into the '90s, another super dramatic video of how molecules get into cells.

Cells by They Might Be Giants

They Might Be Giants sing about cells. So many songs about science! We <3 TMBG.

Cellular State of Mind

If you can handle the off-key singing, the song is kind of catchy… In fact, we're humming it to ourselves right now.

MicroscopyU Live Cell, Swept Field, and Confocoal Microscopy Imaging Live Cell

Swept Field


Watch live cell motion and the behavior of organelles.


Bacteria Outnumber Cells in Human Body

An explanation of how we are basically a bunch of "hotels" that house a lot of bacterial houseguests. Gross.

Where Would We Be Without Bacteria?

NPR discusses infection and where we would be without bacteria.


How a Cell Sounds

NPR throws a party to demonstrate what the interior of a cell might look like.

Beautiful Cells

Some pretty mind-blowing scanning electron micrographs of different types of cells in your body.