Cells Topics in Depth

Cells Topics in Depth

Structures in All Eukaryotic Cells

We're going to start with eukaryotic cells even though they tend to be more complex than prokaryotes. There's a method to our madness, though. You are a eukaryote and have eukaryotic cells, so we t...

Structures in Most Eukaryotic Cells

Most eukaryotes have these, but some don't.MitochondriaAll cells need energy to grow, reproduce, and function. Like the organisms they comprise, cells must "eat" to obtain the energy they need. One...

Structures Only in Plant (and Other) Cells

Structures Found Only in Plant (and Some Algae and Fungal) CellsNow, we move on to the fun stuff that you only wish you had in your cells. It's okay to be jealous.Cell WallLike the cell walls in ba...

Structures Only in Animal Cells

It's time to discuss our very own special set of cellular goods.CentriolesThe centriole is a small, barrel-shaped tube composed of protein located in the cytoplasm.Barrels of fun:The centriole's ma...

Prokaryotic Cell Structure and Function

The vast majority of cells on Earth are prokaryotic, so we are in the minority. Do you feel outnumbered?If prokaryotes weren't so ugly, they would be kind of cute:There are two major kinds of proka...

The Plasma Membrane

Cell Membrane Structure and Function All biological membranes are made of two main components: Phosphorus, or phosphate groups (–H2PO4R, where R is a functional group)  LipidsThese c...

Nuclear Membranes

Another important membrane is the one surrounding the nucleus.How does it look different from the plasma membrane? We are glad you asked. This membrane is found in only eukaryotic cells—because o...

Mitochondrial Membranes

Mitochondria, like nuclei, have two phospholipid bilayers. The bilayer closest to the cytoplasm, or the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM, not Om Nom Nom), has integral proteins called porins that...

Chloroplast Membranes

Just like in mitochondria, the membranes of the chloroplast provide the basis for chloroplast function.Transmission electron micrograph image (Source)Unlike mitochondria, chloroplasts have three ph...

Membrane Transport

Up until now, we have talked a lot about the structure of different membranes found throughout, or around, the cell. We have also mentioned the fact that one very important function of any membrane...

Common Mistakes

Eukaryotic Cell Structure and FunctionDo plant cells have mitochondria?    Most cells use ATP as their main form of energy. Most eukaryotic cells, including plant cells, get their ATP fro...

Test Your Knowledge!

Eukaryotic Cell Structure and Function QuestionsList three similarities and three differences between plant and animal cells.How does the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) differ from the rough en...

Made From Trees

Offline ResourcesWhat is Life? A Guide to Biology by Jay Phelan (W.H. Freeman and Company, 2009).Cell Biology: A Short Course by Steven R. Bolsover (Wiley-Liss, 2003). Also viewable online through...