Black Like Me Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Entry. Paragraph)

Quote #10

The Negroes with whom I associated feared two things. They feared that one of their own might commit an act of violence that would jeopardize their position by allowing the whites to say they were too dangerous to have their rights. They dreaded the awful tauntings of irresponsible white men, the jailing, the frames. (16.5)

We guess the thing about fighting a war (or fighting for equality) is that everybody has to be pretty clear about the game plan and who the enemy is. If some troops start fighting each other (or start playing hopscotch instead of fighting) you've got a problem on your hands.

Quote #11

I had arrived in Atlanta feeling that the situation for the Negro in the South was utterly hopeless—due to the racists' powerful hold on the purse strings of whites and Negroes alike; and due to the lack of unanimity among Negroes. (23.2)

Okay, Montgomery is awesome because Martin Luther King Jr. unified people there. Griffin seems to be suggesting that there needs to be an Atlanta-based King.