Black Like Me Contrasting Regions: White South vs. Black South Quotes

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Quote #10

At Spelman College, hearing Rosalyn Pope play magnificently the Bach Toccata in D, and then the strange, bewildered expression on her face when she told me about arriving in Paris to spend a year studying piano—the strangeness of living in a great city where she could attend concerts to her fill, where she could walk into any door, where she was a human being first and last and not dismissed as a "Negro" […] (23.23)

History nugget: Paris was basically the place to be for black people before World War II. The Négritude movement drew all kinds of black poets and artists to France. Things got pretty bad during the war, but around the time that the civil-rights movement got going in the USA, and probably around the time that Pope went to Paris, a similar movement started in France.