Black Like Me Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Black Like Me? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When does Griffin look in the mirror?

When he's walking down the street
His first night of being a black man
When he's checking himself out
All of the above
Q. What happens to Griffin when he looks in the mirror?

He starts singing Michael Jackson songs
He loses his identity
he realizes that he's the wicked witch
All of the above
Q. What is another symbol of Griffin's identity?

All of the below
His classes
His family
His drivers license
Q. What is Griffin's identity after the experiment?

Pacific Islander
South Asian
Lily white
Partially black
Q. How does Griffin feel about becoming a black man?

Sort of underwhelmed, meh
Worse than he thought
Peachy keen