Black Like Me Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Black Like Me? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Griffin looking at when he loses his identity?

A teddy bear
A mirror
A photograph
His driver's license
Q. What effect does having a child have on one of the truck drivers?

It makes him tired
It makes him angry
It makes him unprejudiced
It makes him want to have more kids
Q. Which one of these characters is not a hypocrite?

P.D. East
The guy who didn't stop the fighting on the bus
The lady who didn't help Griffin even though she didn't approve of how he was being treated
The Observer
Q. Which one of these girls would earn the most money for that gross ad that Griffin sees in the bathroom?

A 5-year-old
A 6-year-old
An 18-year-old
A 21-year-old
Q. What reaction do some church ladies have to seeing Griffin right after church?

They are thrilled to see him
They laugh at him
They call the cops
They give him the hate stare