Blazing Saddles Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Blazing Saddles.

Quote #4

HOWARD JOHNSON: As Chairman of the Welcoming Committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel and hearty handshake to our new... n*****.

The people of Rock Ridge are very excited to get a new sheriff in town. But this excitement quickly turns to anger when they find out that their new sheriff is black. Once again, people's racism gets in the way of what their town actually needs— which is a new sheriff.

Quote #5

BART: Are we awake?

JIM: We're not sure. Are we black?

BART: Yes, we are.

JIM: Then we're awake. But we're very puzzled.

When Bart first meets Jim, Jim can barely believe that he's looking at a black sheriff. Like the other people in Rock Ridge, Jim can't believe that any government would ever put a black man in charge of white people. Then again, Jim is an alcoholic who barely knows what's real and what's a hallucination.

Quote #6

TAGGART: Here we take the good time and trouble to slaughter every last Indian in the West, and for what? So they can appoint a sheriff that's blacker than any Indian! I am depressed.

Taggart is depressed to see a black sheriff in charge of Rock Ridge, especially after he's put in all the hard work of exterminating or enslaving every non-white person he's come across in the Old West. Of course, the joke here is that Taggart believes that killing and enslaving non-whites is a worthwhile project that takes good ol' fashioned hard work.