Blood Red Road Chapter 9 Quotes

Blood Red Road Chapter 9 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 7

Jack's diversion.

It's a flood.

The end of Pinch's previous crop. (9.331-333)

It's easy to miss out on this fact, but given that this is the only place where chaal is grown, Jack has just effectively destroyed the world's supply of the drug. We're not mad. Do you think things will change now? Why or why not?

Quote 8

Suddenly I see him. Not the Jack of the jokes an the flirtin and the shyin away. The real Jack. The...truth of him. The stillness at the heart of him. (9.74)

Saba frequently refers to the "stillness" at the center of Jack. That's kind of odd given that the dude is a charming, loquacious con artist, right? More than anything, this gives us the sense that Saba is looking past Jack's exterior and truly getting to know the person underneath.

Quote 9

I grab his face an kiss him on the lips. (9.91)

Hubba hubba. This passage doesn't have a lot going on textually speaking, but it's important because it's the first time Saba takes an active role in her romance with Jack.