Blood Red Road Chapter 9 Quotes
Blood Red Road Chapter 9 Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 10
I train the looker on Pinch. He's ridin a big white stallion. An he's dressed like he was last night. [...] But it hangs down in burnt an tattered shreds. (9.613)
That's some symbolism if we've ever seen it. With his chaal fields destroyed, the King still holds on to the vestiges of his status, but he no longer has power over the masses. In the same way, we see his fancy regal robes torn to unrecognizable shreds. We'd almost feel bad—if the dude weren't, you know, a monster.
Quote 11
DeMalo stands in front of me. He drops my bow and quiver at my feet.
What...what are you doing? asks Pinch. (9.762-763)
DeMalo is a tough dude to pin down. Saba feels simultaneously intrigued and repulsed by him, but even she is shocked when he abandons the King in his moment of need, allowing the good guys to get a much needed win. Hmm. Bet we're going to learn more about this dude in the sequel.
Quote 12
Lugh glances around. I never knew you had so many friends, he says to me. Thank you. Thank ya'll. (9.432)
Oof—we know you meant it as a compliment, Lugh, but that sounds like a diss to us. Jokes aside, we're pretty sure that all of these folks love Saba enough to count Lugh as a friend, too.