Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter name.(Chapter Number).Paragraph

Quote #4

"Do you understand what you are doing?" Kurnakov demanded. "What makes you think you should reveal the USA's secrets for the USSR's sake?"

"The Soviet Union is the only country that can be trusted with such a terrible thing," said Hall. "But since we can't take it away from other countries, the USSR ought to be aware of its existence and stay abreast of the progress of experiments and construction."(Two Inside.(24).21-22)

As Hall explains why he's willing to become a Soviet spy, he's also revealing that while principles are a fine thing to have, they can also be quite dangerous. Because he believed that—on principle—an atomic weapon was too terrible for just one country to have, he betrayed his own country and single-handedly helped develop strained relations between the U.S. and the USSR.

Quote #5

"Tell me," Goudsmit cut in. "How much did your laboratory contribute to war problems?"
Bothe's expression changed from friendly to nervous.

"We are still at war," Bothe said. "It must be clear to you that I cannot tell anything which I promised to keep secret."

"I understand your reluctance to talk," said Goudsmit. "But I should appreciate it if you will show me whatever secret papers you may have."

"I have no such papers. I have burned all secret documents. I was ordered to do so."

Goudsmit didn't buy it. "The fear of a German atom bomb development superior to ours still dominated our thinking," he said later, "and as we had obtained no real information of their uranium project in all our investigations so far, we were still mighty uneasy." (Implosion.(27).9-13)

Well, if you conduct all of your investigations this clumsily, maybe that's why you haven't uncovered any evidence? That kind of interrogation gives "ineptitude" a whole new name.

Quote #6

On directions from Yatzkov, Gold tried to hand Fuchs an envelope with $1,500 in tens and twenties. Fuchs brushed the money aside.

"It was quite obvious that by even mentioning this, I had offended the man," Gold reported. "He flatly refused to accept it." (Implosion.(27).41-42)

Betraying your country and your trusted colleagues/friends? Acceptable. Doing so for money? Not acceptable. We think we get it? Nope, we definitely do not.