The Book Thief Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Although something inside her told her that this was a crime – after all, her three books were the most precious items she owned – she was compelled to see the thing lit. (18.12)

She's at the Hitler's birthday celebration book burning, of course. Humans will be fascinated with crime so long as it exists. But, Liesel could have at least thought about stopping the books from being burned. Why doesn't this occur to her?

Quote #5

"Did the Führer take her away?" (19.15)

With Hitler's birthday comes a grim realization for Liesel. Her mother's disappearance can be traced back to the birthday boy himself. This realization is very important to all her future actions and her general development.

Quote #6

"Sorry it's taken so long. I think people have been watching me. And the man with the identity card took longer than I thought […]." (23.19)

Max's best friend Walter Kugler is about to go to Poland to fight on the side of the Germans. Of course, he's been drafted and wouldn't have gone of his own accord. It must make him feel like a criminal. By helping Max, he's committing a crime with a death penalty. But, we bet this doesn't make him feel like a criminal in the long run.