The Book Thief Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] but it was the stealing that cemented their friendship completely. […] it was driven by one inescapable force – Rudy's hunger. The boy was permanently dying for something to eat. (24.63)

This highlights Himmel Street poverty, which has only increased since the war began, due to rationing. It's also due to the fact that there were no more Jewish customers. Again, Rudy and Liesel's criminality seems the opposite of criminal, other than the ham-stealing incident.

Quote #8

She also realized it was most likely these sodden days at the Hitler Youth that fed his, and subsequently her own, desire for crime. (39.82)

We see this pattern over and over again. The crimes committed against Rudy by Hitler Youth leaders help cause Rudy to commit some crimes of his own.

Quote #9

"When a Jew shows up at your place of residence in the early hours of the morning, in the very birthplace of Nazism, you're likely to experience extreme levels of discomfort. Anxiety, disbelief, paranoia" (33.4)

This one is pretty self explanatory. In Nazi Germany, crime takes on all kinds of new meanings.