The Borrowers Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Suddenly Arrietty became calm. "Why?" she asked. How strange her own voice sounded! Crystal thin and harebell clear, it tinkled on the air. (9.5)

And here is where Arrietty's all, wait a minute. My parents don't have all the answers. Okay, so she's been seen, which is potentially pretty dangerous. But Eggletina disappeared because she got eaten by a cat. And all of a sudden, Arrietty realizes that being seen and being eaten by a cat are two very different things.

Quote #5

"What does Mrs. D. look like?" asked Arrietty. (How delicious it was to say "Mrs. D." like that… how careless and daring!) (10.3)

Arrietty has always been taught to refer to "Mrs. Driver" by her full name—so the newfound familiarity with which the boy talks about her, calling her "Mrs. D.," seems really thrilling, maybe because it puts her on a more equal footing with the adults in her life.

Quote #6

She stood up startled and spun round: there was Pod, moon-faced, on the path looking up at her. "Come on down!" he whispered.

She stared at him for a moment as though she did not recognize him; how round his face was, how kind, how familiar! (10.61-62)

Out there in the great unknown, even the most familiar things (or people) can look totally different—even your own pops.