The Borrowers Freedom Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Ah, yes," said Pod, "in a way. But where does freedom take you?" He looked up uncertainly. "Where are they all now?" (6.63)

Pod makes a good point—where are all the other borrowers in the novel? They seem to have disappeared entirely, and if you listen to Pod, that's because they were given freedom.

Quote #5

"And it'll give her a bit of interest like and stop her hankering."

"Hankering for what?"

"For blue sky and grass and such like." (6.73-75)

Hankering? Really? Arrietty's desire for freedom is clearly a lot stronger than just a hankering. It's not something that will be satisfied by one trip above the floorboards.

Quote #6

"It's not that I'm afraid," cried Arrietty angrily; "I like cats. I bet the cat didn't eat Eggletina. I bet she just ran away because she hated being cooped up… day after day… week after week… year after year… Like I do!" she added on a sob. (6.53)

Here's a hint that Arrietty is starting to take what her parents tell her with a grain—oops we mean boulder of salt. Why should she believe the whole Eggletina-got-gobbled-by-a-cat story if her parents have been lying to her about other stuff, too?