How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
Kate sat silent, staring at Mrs. May. After a while she drew a long breath. "Then that proves it," she said finally, "underground chamber and all."
"Not quite," said Mrs. May.
"Why not?" asked Kate.
"Arrietty used to make her 'e's' like little half-moons with a stroke in the middle --"
"Well?" said Kate.
Mrs. May laughed and took up her work again. "My brother did too," she said. (20.63-68)
So, what do you think? Are the borrowers real characters, or did Mrs. May's brother invent them in feverish hallucinations when he had rheumatic fever? Or did he invent them on purpose to tell his sisters a story? Would that ruin everything, or cast the story in a whole new light?