The Boxcar Children Industriousness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She took her scissors out of her workbag and cut the two ends even. But before she began to hem the pretty blue tablecloth, she helped Jessie wash and rinse the dishes and put them away. (6.28)

Poor Violet runs herself so ragged that she ends up sick in bed for days, if not weeks. Take a break, girl. Interestingly, it's this sickness that winds up connecting the kids with their grandfather.

Quote #5

When Henry said good-by and went back to town, all the children were working happily. (6.28)

Though they live in the woods, free of all responsibilities, the Alden children still manage to fill their days with hard work. It's impressive. They are welcome to stop by Shmoop's house any time.

Quote #6

The two girls sat by the brook. Violet was hemming the blue tablecloth, and Jessie was making the broom with a long stick for a handle. (6.33)

Notice that the types of work the girls do are very domestic—the tablecloth is for the dinner table, and the broom is for cleaning. Martha Stewart would be proud.