The Boxcar Children Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Violet and Benny carried the stones, with the help of the cart. Now and then Henry was called on to help with a heavy stone. (8.12)

One of Henry's attributes is his strength. We don't hear much about Jessie lifting heavy stones.

Quote #8

"Oh, Jessie!" cried Benny. "This is the best meal I ever ate. I found the eggs, and you cooked them." (8.53)

Though Benny is just 5 years old, he's already internalized that boys are providers and girls are cooks. As modern-day readers, we can't help but cringe a little.

Quote #9

Now J. H. Alden liked boys. He liked to see them running and jumping and playing. So each year, with three other rich men, he gave a Field Day to the town of Silver City. (10.2)

Between all of those boys and rich men, it sounds like Field Day is a bit of a boys' club, eh?