The Boxcar Children Resourcefulness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Henry was hot and sticky as he looked at the waterfall.

"Maybe we could make a swimming pool," he said. "We could build a dam out of logs." (6.42-6.43)

Engineering a dam is no joke, but when Henry wants a swimming pool, Henry gets a swimming pool. Again, we find ourselves hoping the Boxcar Children will stop by our house.…

Quote #5

"You can have my wheels," said Benny.

"Good!" replied Henry. "I'll make you a little cart with the wheels, Benny, and you can carry stones in it." (6.48-6.49)

If we saw four wheels in the garbage, we would probably just think of them as garbage. But Benny and Henry have a vision: They'll turn those junk wheels into a cart. Bravo, boys.

Quote #6

The fireplace was a very good one. The children and Watch had made a hole at the foot of a big rock between two trees. Flat stones were laid on the floor of this hole and around the sides. More big stones were put up to keep out the wind. (7.34)

Did everyone know how to build fireplaces in the old days or is this just another of the Boxcar Children's superpowers? Unclear. Either way, though, nice work, kids.