The Boxcar Children Violet Alden Quotes

Violet Alden

Quote 4

"What a good place this is!" said Violet. "It is just like a warm little house with one room." (3.19)

Oh yes, Violet—it's just like a warm little house, except for the part where it's an abandoned boxcar in the wilderness. Po-ta-to, po-tah-to, we suppose.

"We could make a book," said Violet. "We have all the papers left from bundles."

"So we could," replied Jessie.

"But what could we use to make the words?"

"We could use a burned stick out of the fire," said Violet. (10.67-10.70)

Jessie and Henry aren't the only inventive ones. Here, Violet creates a writing utensil out of a charred stick.