Breakfast at Tiffany's Holly Golightly Quotes

"If I could find a real-life place that made me feel like Tiffany's, then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name. I've thought maybe after the war, Fred and I – " (4.58).

This is Holly's idea of home in a nutshell. It needs to be a place where she feels safe and it needs to include Fred. Home is both the place where she feels secure and is the people who she surrounds herself with.

"Anyway, home is where you feel at home. I'm still looking" (17.22).

We couldn't ask for a more perfect articulation of Holly's idea of home. It's not a place but a feeling, not a physical location but an emotional reaction.

"Of course he was never my lover; as far as that goes, I never knew him until he was already in jail. But I adore him now, after all I've been going to see him every Thursday for seven months, and I think I'd go even if he didn't pay me" (3.40).

Holly doesn't love Sally in the traditional sense, but she has come to feel great affection for the man over the past seven months of their relationship. Her love for him is like a granddaughter for her grandfather. She adores him more than anything else.