Breakfast at Tiffany's Holly Golightly Quotes

"It makes me furious, the way these wretched people keep persecuting him. He's a sensitive, a religious person. A darling old man" (14.2).

Even after Holly is arrested for associating with Sally Tomato, she refuses to believe that he's the horrible man the newspapers are making him out to be. Is she being naïve? Perhaps. But she might also just be displaying the loyalty she feels toward the people she believes are her friends.

"Well, I might be rotten to the core, Maude, but: testify against a friend I will not" (17.24).

So, Holly actually does think about someone other than herself. For her, friendship cannot exist without loyalty (even if we think her loyalty might be a little misguided in this case.

"I don't think anyone will miss me. I have no friends" (13.7).

Is this Holly feeling sorry for herself or is she just speaking the truth? Either way, she seems a bit saddened by this realization and we get to see a crack in her armor.