Breath, Eyes, Memory Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #10

I kept thinking of my mother, who now wanted to be my friend. Finally I had her approval. I was okay. I was safe. We were both safe. The past was gone. Even though she had forced it on me, of her sudden will, we were now even more than friends. We were twins, in spirit. Marassas. (30.200)

Sophie deludes herself into thinking that all her relationships are fine: between herself and her husband (she's actually running from him, sexually speaking) and between herself and her mother (who is falling apart from the stress of an unexpected pregnancy). Instead of confronting the pain of the past, she hopes she can just let it go and resume her life. But the fairytale of the Marassas--those divine twins who shadow each other and provide ultimate fulfillment for each other—is not reality. No amount of wishing for things to be all right for herself and her mother will make it so.