Breath, Eyes, Memory Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #10

I come from a place where breath, eyes, and memory are one, a place from which you carry your past like the hair on your head. Where women return to their children as butterflies or as tears in the eyes of the statues that their daughters pray to. My mother was as brave as the stars at dawn. She too was from this place. My mother was like that woman who could never bleed and then could never stop bleeding, the one who gave in to her pain, to live as a butterfly. Yes, my mother was like me. (35.234)

Sophie understands that her motherland offers her a unique experience of life. While things may not be totally rosy in Haiti (to say the least), the land has created a world of possibility through story, so that characters like Sophie can take their pain and re-shape it into something beautiful.