Breath, Eyes, Memory Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #10

It was too loud a color for burial. I knew it. She would look like a Jezebel, hot-blooded Erzulie who feared no men, but rather made them her slaves, raped them, and killed them. She was the only woman with that power. It was too loud a color for burial, but I chose it. (35.227)

Sophie chooses an outfit for her mother to be buried in that she knows will turn heads. But at this point, she cares very little for public opinion. She wants people to see power when they see her mother's corpse, perhaps because her mother had so very little of it in her lifetime. Sophie wants her mother's body to show outwardly what she feels was hidden during her lifetime: strength, endurance, power over herself and the others around her.