Bronx Masquerade Chapter 21-25 Summary

Open Mike: Message to a Friend

  • Gloria's poem is a not-so-coded message to Lupe.
  • The message? Life is not all roses once you have a baby in your arms. In fact, things get much harder.
  • Preach, girl.


  • Tyrone is impressed with Gloria's poem and the fact that she's a single mom trying to finish school and do her best.
  • Gloria might keep to herself but she's no dummy.

Janelle Battle

  • Janelle dreams that Devon Hope is going to fall in love with her someday. Who is she kidding, though? Devon is gorgeous and Janelle is fat. End of story.
  • Sure, Lupe is always telling her she's beautiful on the inside, but this is high school, where inner beauty amounts to diddlysquat.
  • Janelle wishes she looked like other girls, though she suspects that Devon might not be like other boys. He likes books for one thing.
  • Janelle likes reading her poetry on Open Mike Friday. It feels sort of weird to do it, almost like she's someone else for a few minutes.
  • Just then, Janelle notices that Judianne is in the bathroom. Janelle is really hoping Judianne didn't overhear her muttering about Devon. All she needs is the whole school knowing she has a crush on him.

Open Mike: Inside

  • Janelle's poem is all about how people try to hurt her with their words but she's strong enough to let them bounce right off her.
  • She's like a coconut: hard on the outside but sweet inside. Aw.


  • Tyrone is pretty amazed. He's made tons of jokes of Janelle's weight over the years, and he never knew it bothered her. Huh.