Bronx Masquerade Chapter 26-30 Summary

Leslie Lucas

  • Leslie never thought she'd have much in common with the kids at her new school.
  • She grew up in Westchester County and likes Sheryl Crow, but she had to move here when her mom died. Losing her mom and losing her home was terrible, and she didn't really have any friends for a cool minute there.
  • And then one day she ticked off Porscha Johnson. The two girls almost got in a fight, but when Leslie confessed that her mom had died, Porscha said the same thing happened to her mom.
  • The two became fast friends. Leslie really needed someone to talk to, so Porscha was like a lifesaver.
  • Open Mike Fridays help, too; it's good to talk to people about things and to get to know other folks. The whole school knows about their class, too. They're called "the poets."
  • Last month's assignment from Mr. Ward was to write about something that really scared you.
  • The most terrifying thing in Leslie's life would be being alone.

Open Mike: Common Ground

  • Leslie's poem is all about finding friendship in dark times.
  • Two people are forced to jump into an ocean of sadness and swim for their lives, but thankfully they meet in the middle and have each other.


  • Tyrone didn't know that a little white girl like Leslie could be so deep. Who'd have thought?
  • Lots of people read today, but mostly girls. Tyrone wishes some of the boys would step up to the plate, too.

Judianne Alexander

  • Judianne didn't get much sleep last night—she was busy working on her poem and her outfit. She has to look good if she's going to stand up in front of everyone and read.
  • She'd actually like to get Tyrone's attention, but she doubts that'll ever happen.
  • Judianne wishes she had good hair and light skin. Or maybe she'd like to look like Lupe…
  • Well, at least she can sew. She figures that making amazing outfits for herself makes up for her looks.
  • She knows she's not pretty because her stepdad always tells her so. Sometimes her mom tries to stick up for her, but it never works—being called ugly is no joke.
  • One day, Judianne is going to get out of there and she's going to transform. Now if only her sewing machine could help with that…

Open Mike: Cocoon

  • Judianne's poem is all about the ways we alter ourselves to be beautiful, kind of like a seamstresses alters a dress.
  • Judianne promises to break out of her cocoon someday, though. When she reads this part, the class greets her with thunderous applause.