Bud, Not Buddy Theme of Perseverance

If there is one thing that we think of when we think about Bud in Bud, Not Buddy, it's that he's got guts and drive. He may get scared from time to time, but he still plows ahead doing what he's got to do to survive. And he remains a pretty decent person while doing it. Let's hear it for Bud.

Questions About Perseverance

  1. In which situations in the story does Bud show perseverance? How does he show it?
  2. In what ways does perseverance lead to Bud's success?
  3. Have you ever persevered through a tough situation? What was the outcome?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

This is a story about how perseverance pays off for Bud, and how we can all benefit from not giving up.

In this book, perseverance is not what carries Bud through to success. It is his luck and the kindness of strangers.