Bud, Not Buddy Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I went over to the big chest of drawers and took my other set of clothes out and put them in my suitcase too. […] Here we go again. (1.44-45)

Bud has been through it all before, being at the Home, shipping off to a strange house with a strange family with strange rules, and then back to the Home for one reason or another. But despite this, he keeps a stiff upper lip and packs his bag. Here we go again, indeed.

Quote #2

I jumped to the floor and got my fists up. Todd might have been a lot bigger than me but he'd better be ready, this wasn't going to be a bird's nest sitting on the ground for him. He could kiss my wrist if he thought I was going to let him whip me up without a good fight. (2.28)

Even though Bud has no chance of beating Todd, or of getting out of this fight without some major punishment, Bud refuses to give up his life to this bully.

Quote #3

Just like there's a time that a smart person knows enough is enough, there's a time when you know you've got to fight. […] I got up off my knees and picked up the grey rake. I walked over to the woodpile cool as a cucumber. But inside, every part of my guts was shaking. (3.37-38)

Just when most kids would chicken out and curl up in a ball under a table and wait for the sun to come up, Bud takes on his most fearful demons with a rake. It, uh, doesn't turn out great, but hey, he didn't chicken out.