How we cite our quotes: (Line)
Quote #1
It stayeth the young man's courting (44)
On a symbolic note, Pound claims here that usura stops young men from asking young women out on dates, and keeps new love from blossoming. On a more literal note, though, young people might not have as much time to meet new people and date because they're too busy trying to make enough money for a good house and a car. In any case, Pound is basically saying here that usura corrupts relationships between people and stops real love from growing.
Quote #2
It has brought palsey to bed (45)
Hey, not only does Pound say usura is lousy. He also says that making your money off of other money instead of producing something real is actually the same thing as being paralyzed in bed, or to put it more bluntly, being sexually impotent. Just a little something to think about for all the businessmen who think they're "real men" because they're rich and have nice cars.
Quote #3
[…] it lyeth between the young bride and her bridegroom" (46)
Not only has usura ruined the relationships between people, but it's apparently also ruined the act of sex, making people paralyzed in bed. After all, money is the number one reason for divorce in North America. So Pound might be right about this one.