Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.
- What exactly is usury, and why does Pound dislike it so much? Where do you find evidence for your claims in the text?
- Why do you think Pound decides to use the Latin word "usura" more than the common English word "usury"? What does this do to the concept of usury in your mind? Class it up a bit, maybe?
- What does Pound mean when he claims that "Pietro Lombardo/ came not by usura/ Duccio came not by usura" (28-30)? What makes you say so?
- What does Pound strategically achieve with his use of anaphora? Or in other words, what does he achieve by beginning almost half of his sentences with the phrase "with usura"?
- Do you agree with Ezra Pound's views on usury and moneylending? Do you think these practices are the main reasons why the modern world doesn't create beautiful, timeless art like it did in the old days?