Canto XLV Resources


Pound's Modern American Poets Page

Great poems and commentary comin' at you from the University of Illinois.

Ezra Pound at

This site's got trivia galore, plus a pretty thorough look at Ezra's life.

Great Timetable

Check out this handy timetable of Pound's life and some other cool links.


Great Ezra Pound Documentary

Everything you ever wanted to know about Ezra Pound. And then some. And then some more. Be sure to follow the links through to the subsequent parts of the documentary.


"With Usura" (and a Handy Explanation at the End)

Here, you'll find Pound reading Canto XLV and doing his best impression of a mummy. Oh yeah, and in case you missed the point, he tries to explain the difference between interest and usura at the end. We would also like to point out that this man was born in Idaho, which does nothing to explain his accent.

Tons of Lost Pound Recordings

Check out this site for an amazing database of Pound recordings.


Dashing Stash

We like how Ezra's turning up his nose here. Seems fitting, no?

Articles and Interviews

Ezra Pound on Money

This handy article in The Occidental Observer gives a nice little overview of Pound's hardline views on modern economics.

The Sound of Pound: A Listener's Guide

Critic Richard Sieburth takes us through some of the things we should be looking for whenever we listen to something written by ol' Pound Cake himself.


ABC of Economics by Ezra Pound

Here is one of the best places to find all of Ezra Pound's views on modern economics and finance collected in one place.

Ezra Pound: Politics, Economics, and Writing: A Study of the Cantos

Author Peter Nicholls gives us what is probably a more balanced and sober view of Pound's economics than Pound himself ever would.

Ezra Pound's Cantos: A Casebook

Here, we've got a book with articles written by different experts on Pound's Cantos. Like they say, many heads are better than one.