Chains Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

'Twas Lady Seymour who did it. Her with her begging forgiveness for not buying me and telling me I'd have been a good slave for her. Her with her wet eyes and skeleton hands. Did she never think about setting me free? That would be a fine question to ask. (41.40)

We've got to give Lady Seymour some credit—although she failed, she at least thought about doing the right thing. She also ultimately shares this with Isabel because she thinks it will offer some comfort to her. Still, the larger question is what Lady Seymour would have done with Isabel after buying her. If she truly believes what's being done to Isabel is wrong, wouldn't the correct response be to free her? Even though Lady Seymour expresses some anti-slavery views throughout the book, she still seems to fall victim to its influence.