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Charlotte's Web Character Quotes


Charlotte's Web Character Quotes

Wilbur Quotes

Wilbur is the best pig you're ever going to meet. Plus, he may be the only pig you get to hear talk. (Anyone out there ever heard a pig talk? Anyone? Bueller?) Lucky for us, we get to follow this l...

Charlotte A. Cavatica Quotes

Charlotte is Wilbur's best friend. Oh, and she's a spider—specifically, a common barn spider, technical name Araneus cavaticus. (Guess that's where her last name comes from.)But Charlotte isn't j...

Fern Arable Quotes

Fern is a little girl who grows up right before our eyes. (We gab about growing up in the "Coming of Age" theme. Go check it out and then join us back here.) Seriously, during the course of the nov...

Homer L. Zuckerman Quotes

Mr. Zuckerman is Fern's uncle. She figures he's going to take good care of her little Wilbur. But it turns out Mr. Zuckerman is also a man with a plan: he buys Fern's sweet little pig, feeds it lot...

John Arable Quotes

John Arable is Fern and Avery's dad, and husband to his worried wife, Mrs. Arable. As a dad and hubby, he seems like a pretty good fellow. He takes care of his kiddos and tries to calm Mrs. Arable'...

Lurvy Quotes

Lurvy works on the Zuckerman farm, so you know that he's going to be in on all the action surrounding the miraculous spider web. On the one hand, this means Lurvy is pulling some long hours to keep...

Mrs. Arable Quotes

Mrs. Arable is Fern and Avery's mom. Go ahead and call her a worrywart, because we sure would. She's really concerned about Fern's obsession with spending time at the Zuckerman farm. According to M...

The Barn Animals Quotes

There are a handful of animals in the Zuckerman barn that never get names. But that doesn't mean they're not important. We'll let you in on who these unnamed animal actors are:First, there's the go...