The Cherry Orchard Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Julius West's translation.

Quote #4

LUBOV. God knows I love my own country, I love it deeply; I couldn't look out of the railway carriage, I cried so much. (1.96)

Lubov is immensely moved and relieved to return home. Does she intend to stay?

Quote #5

LOPAKHIN. As you already know, your cherry orchard is to be sold to pay your debts, and the sale is fixed for August 22. (1.107)

Lopakhin spends a good deal of the play strategizing about how to save the estate. He has a sentimental attachment too, but Gaev and Lubov refuse to acknowledge it.

Quote #6

GAEV. This orchard is mentioned in the "Encyclopaedic Dictionary." (1.113)

Gaev's identity has been defined by his background, represented by the famous cherry orchard. As the play ends, he attempts to redefine himself as a businessman