The Cherry Orchard Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Julius West's translation.

Quote #7

ANYA. What have you done to me, Peter? I don't love the cherry orchard as I used to. I loved it so tenderly, I thought there was no better place in the world than our orchard. (2.148)

Influenced by Trofimov's progressive ideals, Anya has loosened the nostalgic grip of her childhood home. She's growing up, distinguishing herself from her mother.

Quote #8

LUBOV. I was born here, my father and mother lived here, my grandfather too, I love this house. I couldn't understand my life without that cherry orchard, and if it really must be sold, sell me with it! … My son was drowned here. (3.56)

Lubov is excitable. She exaggerates. But if we really believe that the orchard defines her, the loss of it is much more tragic.

Quote #9

LUBOV. I'll sit here one more minute. It's as if I'd never really noticed what the walls and ceilings of this house were like, and now I look at them greedily, with such tender love. (4.105)

For all her life, Lubov looked at her home as a loved one, so familiar, accepted and dismissed. As she looks for the last time, she tries to consume the house with her eyes, to take it with her.