The Cherry Orchard Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Julius West's translation.

Quote #7

VARYA. In the old servants' part of the house, as you know, only the old people live--little old Efim and Polya and Evstigney, and Karp as well. They started letting some tramps or other spend the night there--I said nothing. Then I heard that they were saying that I had ordered them to be fed on peas and nothing else; from meanness, you see. ... And it was all Evstigney's doing. (1.220)

Because Varya has practical dealings with the peasants, she bears the brunt of class tensions. She can't afford to be as magnanimous as Lubov.

Quote #8

DUNYASHA. I went into service when I was quite a little girl, and now I'm not used to common life, and my hands are white, white as a lady's. I'm so tender and so delicate now; respectable and afraid of everything. (2.18)

Dunyasha is doing what our grandmother called "putting on airs." She tries to attract the newly cosmopolitan Yasha by claiming to be a lady.

Quote #9

YASHA. Of course, every girl must respect herself; there's nothing I dislike more than a badly behaved girl. (2.19)

When it comes to "knowing one's place," Yasha is a hypocrite. He believes he can act like a gentleman, while counseling Dunyasha to remember to be subservient.