The Cherry Orchard Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Julius West's translation.

Quote #4

PISCHIK. But the trouble is, I've no money! A hungry dog only believes in meat. [Snores and wakes up again immediately] So I ...only believe in money. (3.1)

Pischik is the comic foil to Ranevskaya and Gaev. Like them, he's a landowner in need of cash to pay his mortgage, but Chekhov writes him as a buffoon. In the end, Pischik gives in to development by allowing a company to drill on his land.

Quote #5

TROFIMOV. [To PISCHIK] If the energy which you, in the course of your life, have spent in looking for money to pay interest had been used for something else, then, I believe, after all, you'd be able to turn everything upside down. (3.9)

While Lubov and Gaev spend little time trying to solve their problem, Pischik is constantly running around looking for money. He's rewarded at the end of the play by the discovery of natural resources on his land.

Quote #6

TROFIMOV. I think, Ermolai Alexeyevitch, that you're a rich man, and you'll soon be a millionaire. Just as the wild beast which eats everything it finds is needed for changes to take place in matter, so you are needed too. (3.95)

Trofimov looks at most things and people (except for Anya) from a scientific perspective. He regards Lopakhin's wealth as a necessary force of nature.