The Cherry Orchard Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Julius West's translation.

Quote #7

LOPAKHIN. You know, I get up at five every morning, I work from morning till evening, I am always dealing with money--my own and other people's--and I see what people are like. You've only got to begin to do anything to find out how few honest, honourable people there are. (3.106)

Lopakhin is attracted to the romance and nostalgia of Lubov's household, but he's a pragmatist. The pettiness of people doesn't depress him; it's something he acknowledges and accepts.

Quote #8

LOPAKHIN. In the spring I sowed three thousand acres of poppies, and now I've made forty thousand roubles net profit. And when my poppies were in flower, what a picture it was! So I, as I was saying, made forty thousand roubles, and I mean I'd like to lend you some, because I can afford it. Why turn up your nose at it? I'm just a simple peasant. (4.28)

We wonder why Lopakhin is so adamant about offering money? Does he truly want to help Trofimov? Does he want some power over him? As Lubov has rejected his help, is he searching for a way to feel useful?

Quote #9

TROFIMOV. Even if you gave me twenty thousand I should refuse. I'm a free man. And everything that all you people, rich and poor, value so highly and so dearly hasn't the least influence over me; it's like a flock of down in the wind. (4.29)

Trofimov claims to be above love and above money. We don't really believe his claims about love – he's obviously smitten with Anya – but he does seem genuinely indifferent to money. What do you think?