How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
When the State began taking the villagers' food, arguing that it belonged to the country and not them, Oksana [...] feigned obedience. (1.1.79)
Like many Russians, Oksana realizes that it's better to just keep her nose clean. Don't confuse this with submission, however: Oksana is as crafty and independent as they come. It's this crafty nature, in fact, that tells her that it's much wiser to fly below the radar.
Quote #2
Leo [...] decided to make use of his authority and do things a little differently. He was an investigator. He'd wanted to investigate. (2.5.12)
Leo is one idealistic dude. He doesn't crave power for selfish reasons—he sincerely wants to help people. What a shame that he's the only officer in the MGB who thinks that way, huh? One man can take a stand, but it'll take more than that for real change to happen.
Quote #3
Others in the Directorate, like animals circling a wounded prey, would [...] denounce him as a poor leader while Vasili positioned himself as Leo's logical successor. (2.6.7)
The MGB is the very definition of a hostile work environment. You might think that all of these powerful dudes would get along great, content with the knowledge that they control over 90% of the country. As usual, however, these powerful people only want one thing: more power. They don't want to share it, and they don't care what compromises they'll have to make to get it.