How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Oksana depended upon her son as much as he depended upon her. They were partners and Pavel had sworn aloud that he'd [...] make sure his family stayed alive. (1.1.8)
With his father missing and presumed dead, Pavel is forced to become the man of the house at a young age. That's a lot of pressure to put on little kid. Oksana should be proud that she raised a son as tough as Pavel, a son willing to sacrifice anything to keep his family together.
Quote #2
If he caught this cat then Pavel would love him, play cards with him, and never get cross again. The prospect pleased him and his mood changed from dread to anticipation. (1.1.50)
Andrei is only concerned with earning Pavel's love. You can't blame him for that, though—he's too young to realize how dire things have become for the family. In fact, with their dad gone, Andrei looks up to his brother as the man of the household. It's actually kind of adorable, putting aside the fact that this brotherly bond leads to a serial-killing rampage.
Quote #3
At any moment they expected their father to make them breakfast or their mother to return from the fields. Nothing felt real. (2.6.122)
Zoya and Elena's world is shattered when their parents are killed—it's as if they're stuck in a nightmare they can't wake up from. Sadly, many characters in the novel lose parents at a young age, and in each instance the wounds never fully heal.