Childhood's End Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Here on this island we're trying to save something of humanity's independence, its artistic traditions. We've no hostility towards the Overlords: we simply want to be left alone to go our own way. When they destroyed the old nations and the way of life man had known since the beginning of history, they swept away many good things with the bad. The world's now placid, featureless, and culturally dead: […]." (15.23)

Notice how the Overlords didn't actually attack artistic freedom—it just kind of got swept under the rug along with so many other human traits, like war. Yet the colonists of Athens think that artistic freedom is too valuable to be confined, even if the price is utopia.

Quote #8

"I know where it springs from: they're on their way at last, to become part of the Overmind. Their probation is ended: they're leaving the last remnants of matter behind." (24.36)

By joining the Overmind, humanity can free itself from the confinements of the Overlords, right? But if humanity goes extinct, is it truly humanity that is being freed?

Quote #9

Yet, Karellen knew, they would hold fast until the end: they would await without despair whatever destiny was theirs. They would serve the Overmind because they had no choice, but even in that service they would not lose their souls. (24.58)

Ultimately, we learn the Overlords themselves were also confined and not free to do as they wanted. It's turtles all the way down, Shmoopers. Just a bunch of confined turtles.