The Chocolate War Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Do I dare disturb the universe?" (19.38)

At the end of the novel, Jerry thinks he's made the wrong choice when he tries to disrupt the system of domination found at Trinity. Perhaps on further reflection he'll see that some of his other choices (succumbing to desire for revenge, not organizing) are at the root of his failure.

Quote #8

"I'm not giving anything more to Trinity. Not football, not running, not anything." (23.41)

The Goober is following Jerry's lead. He realizes that anything he gives to Trinity will contribute (however indirectly) to the power structure in place.

Quote #9

He's got Renault there, pale and tense as if he's facing a firing squad, and Janza, the animal, a chained animal waiting to spring loose. (34.19)

Archie has manipulated Jerry and Emile into making the wrong choices. They realize this when they get to the raffle, but can't see a way to reverse their decisions.