The Chocolate War Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He saw Brother Eugene still standing there in the midst of the shambles, tears actually running down his cheeks. […] Beautiful. (11.23-24)

Brother Eugene is communicating his hurt and anguish by crying. This is just what Archie wanted. Making a teacher cry is beautiful in his book. Too bad he picked one of the nice ones. If he'd made Leon cry, we might even agree with him….

Quote #8

"Are you trying to put me on, Danny? Look, Danny, I'm getting tired of you and your crap…" (26.19)

Poor Jerry. He finally gets his crush, Ellen Barrett, on the phone, and she doesn't even believe it's him. He can't even manage to explain it to her. There's a complete communication disconnect.

Quote #9


We never find out who puts up this poster. For readers, it's a positive sign. People are getting behind Jerry! But to The Vigils, it's an obvious sign that their authority is being seriously challenged.