How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"How could you not know who your own father is?" (1.1.89)
Maryse is exceptionally unfair to Jace. She betrays him by insinuating that he should have known he was being betrayed by Valentine. Her accusation is hurtful and insulting.
Quote #2
"You must have seen photographs of Michael Wayland and realized he wasn't the man you called your father." (1.1.99)
It's hypocritical of Maryse to blame Jace for this. She was just as tricked as he was.
Quote #3
"You think pretending his own death was the biggest lie Valentine ever told us? You think charm is the same as honesty?" (1.3.69)
Perhaps Maryse, like the Inquisitor, is taking out her own feelings of betrayal by Valentine on Jace, Valentine's son. That may explain things, but it doesn't make it right.