Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Family Quotes
The three of them working together in perfect unison, the way they always had. Like family. (1.1.12)
Identity Quotes
"She wouldn't say, but I suspect she thinks I stayed to be a spy." (1.2.135)
Race Quotes
It was bad enough being biracial in her conservative suburban neighborhood. God knew what they'd do to a werewolf. (1.2.7)
Violence Quotes
The man watched with impassive interest as Elias screamed again and turned to run. He never reached the door. Agramon surged forward, his dark mass crashing down over the warlock like a surge of bo...
Good vs. Evil Quotes
He was changing now, in rapid Chthonian, spells of containment and banishment. Nothing happened; the black smoke-mass came on inexorably, and now it was starting to have something of a shape—a ma...
Supernatural Quotes
"The pentagram is a necessary part of any demon-raising ritual. You know that, sir. Without it…" (Prologue.6)
Betrayal Quotes
"How could you not know who your own father is?" (1.1.89)
Lust Quotes
There was no point telling [Luke] how badly [Clary] wanted Jace not to be her brother. (1.1.54)