How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
He was changing now, in rapid Chthonian, spells of containment and banishment. Nothing happened; the black smoke-mass came on inexorably, and now it was starting to have something of a shape—a malformed, enormous, hideous shape. (Prologue.22)
While a warlock summoning a demon is more like evil vs. eviler, eviler wins, bringing the score to Demons: 1, Angels: 0 before the book even begins!
Quote #2
"I thought gaming might have lost some of its appeal for you since…" Since our real lives started to resemble one of your campaigns. (1.2.84)
In the real world, "good" and "evil" only exist in games and movies. Clary never expected her life to turn out like one of these.
Quote #3
Clary still wasn't clear on who the bad and good guys actually were. (1.2.85)
We're not sure why she isn't. Valentine is clearly presented as evil to the reader at almost all times, and few of the other characters tread a line between good or evil. They all fall firmly on side or the other.