How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
There was no point telling [Luke] how badly [Clary] wanted Jace not to be her brother. (1.1.54)
No, you probably don't want to tell your adopted father that you have sexual feelings for your biological brother. But lust makes people do crazy things.
Quote #2
[Clary] did not, however, push [Simon] away, and clearly taking this as a sign of encouragement, Simon slid his hand behind her head and deepened the kiss, parting her lips with his. His mouth was soft, softer than Jace's had been, and the hand that cupped her neck was warm and gentle. (1.1.126)
Clary doesn't like soft. Clary wants something a little rougher around the edges, and Simon just doesn't do it for her.